
Review of Canon HF M40 camcorder (the 2011 Newbie camera)
Mono Plug Adapter—get rid of one-sided audio when using mono external mic.
Rule of Thirds Demo—An explanation from the Digital Photography School.
Another Rule of Thirds Demo—This time, a video example (blocked inside EUSD).
Elements of Cinematography - great ideas for shots
Track down the golden hour—Everyone knows the golden hour (the hour after sunrise and the hour before sunset), but it's a moving target over the year. This site will tell when it is no matter what.
Down and Dirty Green Screen—Lighting ideas for best results.
Cool Lights—Interested in making cheap, cool fluorescent lights suitable for video? Check it out.
Media College Camera Tutorial—Nice overview of how to get good results from your camera.
Camcorder Reviews—Which camcorder is right for you?
Want ideas for video equipment? —Type "Maggi" in the last name box (under Public Wishlist) for some things we've done some research on. No guarantees, but it's a place to start.
DigitalJuice TV—Excellent video tutorials on how to improve every aspect of your videos—sound, lighting , composition, etc. Highly recommended.—need a free teleprompter? Here you go.
iPhone App: Movie*Slate—the best of the clapper apps
Owle iPhone holder—comes with wide angle lens and front-pointing microphone. Will go on a tripod. See a review here.
Using an External Microphone—Learn how to use the mic kit we gave you for Project LIVE—dedicated to the art and analyses of film sound design
Award winning library of royalty free music from They allow us to use their resources for EUSD projects. Looking for better headphones to shoot and edit with? Try here.
DVX User Audio Forum—very active forum with lots of good information to mine.
Now Hear This—DV Info audio forum with active participation of very knowledgeable people.
Want ideas for audio equipment? —Type "Maggi" in the last name box (under Public Wishlist) for some things we've done some research on. No guarantees, but it's a place to start.
Audio - EUSD Production Audio - shooting techniques to improve your audio.
Audio information clearinghouse—If you have questions about moving towards a more pro-level audio workflow, there's a lot to be had here (make sure you're at comment #1).
Converting sound files for use in digital video—it's more than just grabbing it from iTunes
•Converting sound files: the Movie—Visual companion to handout above on how to convert any sound file so
Free Music from SmartSound—custom lengths up to 4 minutes.
SonicFire Pro—Create custom scores for your multi-media projects. Watch this movie to see how.
Turn your iPhone/Touch into a recording studio for $60 total (without the mic): ProAudio to Go | XLR Adapter for iOS device
The World of Foley—interesting discussion of creating sounds for film and video
Lighting on the Cheap—Lots of good ideas for those on the budget.
Cheap Lighting Dimmers—Supposedly good up to 1500 w. Under $20.
Lowel EDU—great, interactive site put up by Lowel, a big name in video lights (our check-out kits are from Lowel). Worth a peek.
TechLearning—Good introduction in easy language.