
Storyboards and Shot Lists (Logs)
Video Project Masters—Job badges, job descriptions, etc.
How and why of storyboarding—real examples from films you know.
Storyboard 1 (PDF)
Storyboard 2 (PDF)
AFI Storyboard (PDF)
Storyboard Template editable in Pages (Tip: Need another page? Select the page you want to duplicate in the Page Thumbnails [View > Show Page Thumbnails] and choose Command-D). Benefits: legible, more words per space, editable.
AFI Storyboard Glossary (PDF)
iMovie X (and iPad) Trailer Storyboard Templates—Use these to plan a trailer before going to iMovie X to make it (originally from Timothy Jefferson)
Good Readers and Making of Good Readers (WM Player file) by April Payne (Poway USD)
You Be the Producer— Cool PBS site on filmmaking for kids; good stuff.
VideoUniversity Free Library—Great articles on all things video.
Ron—A lot of free advice from someone in the business for 40 years.
CyberCollege TV production—an exhaustive "course" of all things rrelated to TV production.
Creative Commons - source of copyright friendly audio/video clips
VTC (for iMovie and more) - iLife 09 (scroll to iMovie) ask TRT or Ext 150 for login info
Audio - EUSD Pre-production Audio - Basic tips, list of mics for checkout, and resources
Resizing Images—Whether for print, email, video, or the web, you should know this.
Left Foot Right Foot—Video Rubrics and more
Media College—Free tutorials on all things media (including video)
Storyboard and Script Rubric—a useful tool to use with your students (from
Current.com—Learn how to produce your videos; well done
AFI Storyboard Glossary—Very useful way to learn all the angles.
What Constitutes a Student-made video?—Read the text at the bottom of the page.
Find Movie Clips—This page has 3 cool places you can use search tools to find movie clips based on topic, mood, genre etc. Definite need for teacher supervision.