
Media - Photos, Sounds, Videos
How to use FreePlay Music in EUSD (we purchase every year a license for Education projects).
Free 4K footage from Mitch Martinez for non-commercial projects.
Search Metropolitan Museum for 350,000+ free pictures...and more
More Free Fonts—Submitted by
Flickr Creative Commons—literally millions of usable images)
SonicFire Pro—Create custom scores for your multi-media projects. Watch this movie to see how.
Compfight—A search engine that looks through Flickr and lets you filters for Creative Commons. FAQs
Free Stock Photography Directory— a good page of links for free use. Read conditions carefully.
Find Sounds—Search for whatever sound you need
The Freesound Project - great database of high quality, copyright friendly sounds - description w/ screenshots
Free Sound Effects—Videomaker magazine's list of links for free sound (and other) resources.
Apple Trailer Site—Great for some quick looks at pro work.
Partners in Rhyme—Free sound effects, loop's, etc.
F7 Sound and Vision—Free sounds
Stock footage for free—really. High Def and Standard Def.—another Creative Commons Search Site
Insect Images—Everything on the site can be used legally for educational purposes. Bigger sizes require registering, but are still free and legal.
Animal Photos—Everything on the site can be used legally for educational purposes.
Creative Commons Search—Brings back only CC licensed content. Be sure to deselect "For commercial purposes"; you'll get more. Type in a term and then click on a tab such as Google Images.
Finding Legal Images to use—Good information and Resources
Flickr Blue Mountain Creative Commons—Easy to search
Flickr Commons—A search engine for finding Public Domain photography
Guide to getting Public Domain and Creative Commons images from Harvard
Pond 5 Public Domain Project—Video, photos, sounds, 3D models, free to download and use in projects
PhotoPin—A creative Commons search engine
74 Sites for Free Photos—Many require attribution, but that's it.
34 Sites for Free and Royalty Free Music—Read carefully to make sure it really is free. Anything with a Creative Commons license you can use comfortably so long as you attribute in the credits.
FreePlay - downloadable sound clips - copyright friendly (can be used for iVIE; check for other contests)
Getting Freeplay Music: Free and legal music for EUSD projects
Incompetech Music—Free MP3 titles you can use with attribution
iMovie Resources
Lessons for iMovie X—By Ripple Training; well worth the money for on-demand training.
iMovie List of Shortcuts (keyboard commands)
One-sided Audio - If your dialog comes out of only one speaker, here are a couple of ways to fix it.
One-sided Audio 2—A quick fix if you have QuickTime Pro.
More on Green Screen—This agenda from an earlier PL meeting has some useful information; watch the Sin City clip.
Exporting high quality out of iMovie for archiving or further editing
Workflow and Speed Tips (includes Top 10 shortcuts, above. PDF)
iMovie X Video Tutorials
Final Cut Pro Resources
Lessons for Final Cut Pro X—By Ripple Training; well worth the money for on-demand training.
Folding the Flex Drop portable screen (although it doesn't work so easily for us)
2 Pop - Visit their forums; learn; get your questions answered
Ken Stone's Final Cut Pro Site - A great place for information if you move up to FCP.
LAFCPUG - Los Angeles Final Cut Pro Users Group; good information from people who know - Great articles from a very knowledgeable source
DVXUser - This forum originally was for proponents of the Panasonic DVX 100, but it's grown much broader. A great resource regardless of what you're shooting with.
DVI - Another great forum with sections for audio, cameras, paraphernalia; all things DV.
Cheap Lighting Dimmers—Supposedly good up to 1500 w. Under $20.
Seven Rules for Film and Video Editors—...and they're rules that are easy to understand.
Wikipedia—See what they have to say on editing.
Editing Tips from Walter Murch (editor of Godfather movies, Apocolypse Now, etc.).
In the Blink of an Eye—Excellent book by Walter Murch. Very Readable; not technical.