Participate in this virtual workshop: "Know Your Rights" and stay prepared and organized! Date: February 6, 2025 Zoom: Time: 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM This is a FREE virtual workshop! Just log in to join
Una imagen que destaca 'Consejería escolar: Ayudar a los estudiantes a prosperar - Semana Nacional de Consejería Escolar, del 3 al 7 de febrero de 2025. ¡Gracias, consejeros escolares!"
An image highlighting 'School Counseling:  Helping Students Thrive - National School Counseling Week, February 3-7, 2025.  Thank you, School Counselors!"
Logo of Juniper Elementary School featuring a cheerful cartoon Jaguar resting on an open book, with bold yellow text reading 'Juniper' and white text below reading 'Elementary School,' set against a blue background.
Una pancarta que decía: "Distrito Escolar Unido de Escondido, cada día cuenta".
A banner stating, "Escondido Union School District Every Day Counts."
Logo of Juniper Elementary School featuring a cheerful cartoon Jaguar resting on an open book, with bold yellow text reading 'Juniper' and white text below reading 'Elementary School,' set against a blue background.
Juniper Spring After School Classes Permission Slips Due Jan. 31st with a blue background
A group of soccer players and their coach pose with their soccer balls.
Un grupo de futbolistas y su entrenador posan con sus balones de fútbol.
Logo of Juniper Elementary School featuring a cheerful cartoon Jaguar resting on an open book, with bold yellow text reading 'Juniper' and white text below reading 'Elementary School,' set against a blue background.
Logo of Juniper Elementary School featuring a cheerful cartoon Jaguar resting on an open book, with bold yellow text reading 'Juniper' and white text below reading 'Elementary School,' set against a blue background.
Especialistas del MTSS de las escuelas comunitarias del EUSD, enlaces familiares y miembros del comité directivo en la Cumbre Anual de Escuelas Comunitarias del Centro Regional de Asistencia Técnica del Sur de California (octubre de 2024).
EUSD Community Schools MTSS Specialists, Family Liaisons, and Steering Committee Members at the Southern California Regional Technical Assistance Center Annual Community Schools Summit (October 2024).
A group of students and their teacher prepare for competition.
Un grupo de estudiantes y su profesor se preparan para la competición.
Logo of Juniper Elementary School featuring a cheerful cartoon Jaguar resting on an open book, with bold yellow text reading 'Juniper' and white text below reading 'Elementary School,' set against a blue background.
Los estudiantes de EUSD posan en equipos mientras compiten en la competencia First LEGO League.
EUSD students pose in teams as they compete in First LEGO League competition.
Logo of Juniper Elementary School featuring a cheerful cartoon Jaguar resting on an open book, with bold yellow text reading 'Juniper' and white text below reading 'Elementary School,' set against a blue background.