June 1, 2023
This announcement serves as a public notice that at 7 p.m. June 8, 2023, the Escondido Union School District Board of Education, at its regularly scheduled meeting, will conduct a public hearing to discuss the 2023-2024 Local Control Accountability Plan.
The board is seeking input from parents and community members, and welcomes comments and interest on the LCAP, which can be viewed online. The hearing will be open to the public in the District Office Board Room, 2310 Aldergrove Avenue.
Each speaker who wishes to address the board must complete a “Request to be Heard” card located on the table at the entrance to the boardroom. Place the completed card at the recording secretary’s workstation. Regular board meetings are live-streamed and recorded.
Comments must not exceed three minutes or 450 words in length. The board shall limit the total time for public input on each item to 20 minutes. The Board of Education is prohibited by law from taking action on matters discussed that are not on the agenda.