Stay Connected in EUSD

In summer 2022, EUSD launched a new and expanded online presence for our district, designed with families in mind. This includes an EUSD mobile app, updated district and school websites, and robust social media accounts – all of which have a modern look and feel, and regular updates with the information that is essential for our families and students.

EUSD on the Go

The EUSD mobile app is your one-stop-shop for all district and school information. Getting connected with the app is essential to stay informed about your child's classroom activities, campus events, and districtwide news. In addition, the classroom communication tool Rooms is housed inside the EUSD app.

Download the free app for Android in Google Play or for iPhone in the Apple App Store.

Discover Rooms – Your Classroom Connection

The classroom communication tool Rooms is available inside the same EUSD app. In Rooms, parents and guardians can message teachers, and students can ask their teacher school-related questions in a monitored, safe place. Rooms is now the standard classroom messaging app across the district, and replaces other apps that have been in use, such as Remind and Class Dojo. 

  • The Rooms tool requires an account. All families new to EUSD will receive an email and or text with an invitation to join Rooms at the start of the new school year. Follow the steps in the invitation to create your account. 

  • Once you have set up your Rooms account through the invitation, you can log in to Rooms in the EUSD app on your mobile device or go to on a computer to log in.

  • For returning EUSD families that already have a Rooms account, no action is necessary.

Stay Informed with ThrillShare Alerts

We understand the importance of timely communication, and that's why we implemented the ThrillShare Alerts tool. This feature sends mass notifications and important updates through email, text message, or phone calls to all families even if you are not enrolled in Rooms or have the EUSD app. To ensure you receive these notifications, please check that your contact information is up to date during your child's school registration or inform the school’s front office.