ICOC Membership

Committee Vacancy

There are currently two vacancies; Senior Community Organization Representative and Parent Teacher Association Representative. For interested persons, please complete the ICOC membership application. For any questions, please email EUSD_FAC_Docs@eusd.org.

Membership Composition

The Board of Education shall appoint the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee members. The ICOC shall consist of at least seven members, and no more than nine, to serve for a period of two years without compensation and for no more than three consecutive terms. The ICOC may not include any employee or official of the school district, vendor, contractor, or consultant of the school district.

The ICOC shall include:

  • One (1) member shall be the parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District.

  • One (1) member shall be both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District and active in a parent-teacher organization, such as the P.T.A. or a school site council.

  • One (1) member shall be active in a business organization representing the business community located in the District.

  • One (1) member shall be active in a senior community organization.

  • One (1) member shall be active in a bona-fide taxpayers association. At least one member of the Committee shall be a representative of San Diego County Taxpayer Association. In the case that a member of SDCTA cannot be identified to serve on the committee, solicitation for such representations shall be opened to the broader community.

  • Two (2) members shall be of the community at-large.

A majority of the members of the Committee shall possess expertise in one or more of the following areas:

  • Large scale construction operations

  • Municipal/public finance matters

  • Performance and financial auditing

  • Construction-related project management

  • Real estate acquisition or sales

  • Environmental laws or regulations

  • Information technology

ICOC Members

Joyce Masterson
Chair and Taxpayer Association Representative

Senior Community Organization Representative

Soozan Alcaraz
Community at Large Representative

Lesley Northrop-Nelson
Parent of Child Enrolled in EUSD

Parent Teacher Association Representative

David Caballero
Active Business Person Representative

Sean Witkin
Community at Large Representative

Contact ICOC members at icoc@eusd.org