NETs Teacher Induction

NETS Induction Badge

How to Apply:

Upon hire, complete the NETs Induction application (FREVVO Form).

For additional information, contact:

What is NETs?

The New EUSD Teacher Support (NETs) is the Escondido Union School District's Teacher Induction program. NETs Induction is an accredited two-year program for employed teachers who need to clear their preliminary or Level 1 credentials. There is no fee for EUSD teachers to participate in induction program. The district demonstrates its support by offering this service at no cost to all qualifying teachers. NETs Induction is individualized for each teacher candidate.

Those entered into the program will receive:

  • Two years of ongoing support by an experienced, trained NETs mentor

  • Individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring and support to build a reflective teaching practices based on the candidates' professional growth goals and evidence collected on the Individualized Learning Plan, or ILP.

Teacher in class

The New EUSD Teacher Support (NETs) is a two-year California State Commission approved professional teacher induction program designed to provide job-embedded, individualized support and opportunities for eligible first and second-year teacher candidates to complete California state requirements for attaining a clear credential.

The NETs Induction program supports teacher candidate development and growth in the progression by building on the knowledge and skills gained during the preliminary preparation program and supporting teacher candidates with a robust mentoring system that helps each candidate work to meet the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.

Through inquiry-based action research, teachers will develop an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) that includes professional growth goals and a description of how the candidate will work to meet those goals, defined and measurable outcomes, and planned opportunities to reflect on progress in their practice, as well as modify the ILP as needed. The ILP must be designed and implemented solely for the professional growth and development of the NETs teacher candidate and not for evaluation for employment purposes.

Teacher candidates will demonstrate their growth, ability to reflect, and successful execution of in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP). Upon successful completion and demonstration, candidates will be recommended for a clear credential.

Program requirements include:

  • Possession of a preliminary or Level 1 credential that has Induction as a renewal requirement.

  • Current employment in EUSD and work with a core group of students. Induction is a condition of employment for EUSD teacher candidates with preliminary credentials. This support is a valuable part of your continued success.

  • Teacher candidates will receive on average of not less than one hour per week of individualized support/mentoring coordinated and/or provided by the NETs mentor.

"Each Induction program must be designed to provide a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning that begins in the teacher’s first year of teaching." — Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)

How does EUSD and EUSD NETs Induction support opportunities for professional growth?

As an accredited California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Induction District, EUSD will provide Induction to probationary and returning temporary teacher candidates who participated in NETs Induction or received “out of program” support from a NETs mentor during the prior school year. EUSD is also obligated as a district to honor its intern contracts and provide necessary supports. NETs Induction will continue to provide mentoring and support for qualified Year One and Year Two teacher candidates and interns.

Per the Governor’s Executive Order, EUSD will provide flexibility, resources, and support to teacher candidates with pending credential requirements related to COVID-19 school closures (ie. TPA, RICA, CBEST). NETs Induction mentors have broadened their understanding of the TPA models in California (CalTPA and EdTPA) and use the preliminary credential program Individual Development Plan, or IDP, as a tool to inform successful completion of program requirements delayed by the COVID-19 school closures.

EUSD will provide professional development opportunities to all EUSD teachers, as well as provide ongoing information and access to resources to support teacher candidates, including those needing to meet Executive Order and PS-VTW credential requirements.

EUSD NETs teacher candidates are offered a range of professional development choices to support their Individualized Learning Plan ILP goals. Additional information and resources will be provided at the orientation.

Induction Roadmap NETs 2.001

Roadmap Image Description: Year 1- Preliminary Credential, Individualized Learning Plan (ILP), CSTP Self-Assessment (Fall), Cycle of Inquiry (COI), Colleague Observation, Mid Year Survey, Cycle of Inquiry (COI), Mentorship Collaborative Conversation (MCC), CSTP Self-Assessment (Spring), End of Year Survey | Year 2- Individualized Learning Plan (ILP), CSTP Self-Assessment (Fall), Inquiry, Colleague Observation, Mid Year Survey, Inquiry (Continues), CSTP Self-Assessment (Spring), Mentorship Collaborative Conversation (MCC), Colloquium, End of Year Survey, Clear Credential

The Individualized Learning Plan addresses the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and provides the road map for candidates’ Induction work during their time in the NETs Induction program along with guidance for the mentor in providing support. The ILP is developed collaboratively at the beginning of NETs Induction by the candidate and the mentor, with input from the principal regarding the candidate’s job assignment, and guidance from the program staff. The ILP must include candidate professional growth goals, a description of how the candidate will work to meet those goals, defined and measurable outcomes for the candidate, and planned opportunities to reflect on progress and modify the ILP as needed. The candidate’s specific teaching assignment provides the appropriate context for the development of the overall ILP; however, the candidate and the mentor may add additional goals based on the candidate’s professional interests.

The NETs program assists the candidate with accessing resources necessary to accomplish the ILP and ensures dedicated time for weekly mentor and candidate interactions, observations of colleagues and peers by the candidate, and other activities contained in the ILP. In addition, the mentoring process supports each candidate’s consistent practice of reflection on the effectiveness of instruction, analysis of student and other outcomes data, and the use of data to further inform the repeated cycle of planning and instruction. Within the ongoing mentoring interactions, the mentor encourages and assists candidates to connect with and become part of the larger professional learning community within the profession.

NETs mentors also supports candidates by:

  • Providing “just in time” support for candidates, in accordance with the ILP, along with longer-term guidance to promote enduring professional skills.

  • Facilitation of candidate growth and development through modeling, guided reflection on practice, and feedback on classroom instruction.

  • Connecting candidates with available resources to support their professional growth and accomplishment of the ILP.

  • Periodically reviewing the ILP with candidates and making adjustments as needed.

How does EUSD help teachers thrive?

Teacher in class

We believe the most powerful factor in student achievement is the quality of the teacher. A caring, competent, and well-qualified teacher is the single most important ingredient in educational reform. 

We are here to support the development of teachers to promote quality student learning experiences for all students through the vision and commitment to professional growth and reflective teaching practice.

District Vision: The Escondido Union School District will actualize the unlimited potential of every learner. Each and every human being is empowered, encouraged, engaged, and committed. 

NETs Induction supports this vision and strives to support each teacher candidate on their journey to actualize their unlimited potential as a professional educator and achieve a clear credential.

EUSD's Organizational commitment: EUSD will continue to cultivate an organizational belief system related to equity, access, and achievement through professional development, shared experiences and community building.

Definition of equity: Educational equity means that each child receives whatever they need to develop to their full academic and social potential and to thrive, every day.

Role of the school: The true indicator of equity is revealed in the impact that a teacher and school have on students, and what students gain from being in that classroom and school, which includes skills, abilities, knowledge, thoughts, feelings, a sense of belonging, and a sense of potential.

What our teachers say about the program

Teacher in class

I see this program as a job-embedded professional development program because my mentor was a fountain of knowledge and very supportive. I was able to be honest and get true help I needed, even in the moment. I was able to have someone to verbally reflect on my practice through observations and even just through recounting the lesson with my support provider. It is a great program that really supports new teachers. – Alyssa Carlson

Such an amazing program. I have grown so much because of how well my support provider and I have worked together. I feel extremely confident going into my second year teaching and having more tools in my tool belt than ever before. I am pleased that I have been able to reach out to so many effective leaders that have taken time to support me in my first year in this profession. – Sydney Montjoy, middle school

I thoroughly enjoyed the rigor that NETs provided for my professional growth. I am forever grateful for the resources provided to myself and more importantly my students! I am a stronger, more well-rounded teacher because of the NETs program. Thank you! – Jill James, education specialist

Thank you so much for all that you do!! Without this program, I would not have been where I am today. Thank you so much for everything. There are no words to describe what this program has done for my teaching career.  – Brenda Langston, physical education

I greatly appreciate everything this program has done for me. It has genuinely impacted me as an educator and set me up for success in my position. Thank you for the time and effort everyone has put into this program and the teachers that are a part of it. I would gladly assist the NETs program if there are any needs or new teachers that need to observe/learn anything! – Josh Garcia, middle school

I look at the program as a way to help us all grow as professionals because we are constantly learning from our peers, support providers and various members in the district brought in to support us. I know the teacher retention rate is low and many teachers switch careers early on. I look at this program as a way to prevent that through overwhelming support from many different people. – Kristen Frias, middle school

Thank you for everything!! I got a lot out of this program and it gave me the skills that I will carry on with for the rest of my career. – Sara Kuphal, education specialist

The Benefits of the EUSD Induction Program

EUSD NETs Induction Program offers:

  • a customized credential and support program to clear preliminary credentials

  • a collegial and supportive environment that provides an informal network for new teachers throughout EUSD

  • regularly scheduled teacher induction forums, special education cohort, collaborative work sessions and 1:1 counseling and support

  • university upper-division credit for salary advancement

  • opportunities for classroom observations and peer conferencing

  • individualized and confidential classroom support from an experienced and successful NETs mentor

  • a program for special education teachers designed around the context of your teaching

The NETs Induction program supports candidate development and growth in the profession by building on the knowledge and skills gained during the Preliminary Preparation program. This is supported by the design and implement a robust mentoring system that helps each candidate work to meet the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.

We offer the following California Clear Credentials:

  • Education Specialist

  • Multiple Subject

  • Single Subject

Choose EUSD — Enroll in NETs to receive:

  • Two years of confidential, ongoing, and individualized support by an experienced, highly qualified mentor

  • Job-embedded reflective teaching practice, based on the professional growth progress toward mastery of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and candidate teacher development via repeated cycles of inquiry and an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

  • A district-issued laptop and technology integration mentoring by EUSD Educational Technology Specialists to support the EUSD One-to-One initiative that puts iPads in the hands of every single EUSD student

  • Collaborative opportunities with colleagues and other staff (coaches)

  • Opportunities for observations of colleagues

  • Access to a menu of high quality, relevant professional development

  • Option to earn university credit units through contracted universities​

  • A California Clear Credential​ 

  • Support of Executive Order credential requirements for RICA and TPA

Program Requirements Include:

The NETs Induction Program provides support as fully prepared new teacher candidates transition into the complex responsibilities of teaching, increases the retention of beginning teachers and improves learning opportunities and outcomes for EUSD’s TK-8 students.  NETs aligns to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) induction guidelines and standards. Professional teaching standards (CSTP) provide the foundational expectations for the teacher induction program, with the expectation that teacher candidates will progress towards mastery of the CSTP during their participation in NETs induction.

  • Possession of a Level 1 or preliminary credential, employed by EUSD and working with a core group of students throughout the school year

  • Currently employed by EUSD as a teacher and working with a core group of students throughout the school year. NETs does not accept day-to-day substitute teachers into the induction program.

  • Signed EUSD contract with induction as a condition of employment based on credential requirements

  • Signed NETs teacher candidate application and MOU

  • Demonstrate classroom application of:

    • California Standards for the Teaching Profession​

    • ​Pedagogy 

    • Universal Access 

    • English Learners 

    • Special Populations

    • State Curricular Initiatives​

  • Use Google Workspace for content delivery​

  • Collaborate with NETs mentor

  • Early Completion option is available for qualified candidates

NETs aligns to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) induction guidelines and standards.

Professional teaching standards (CSTP) provide the foundational expectations for the teacher induction program, with the expectation that teacher candidates will progress towards mastery of the CSTP during their participation in NETs induction

The New EUSD Teacher Support (NETs) Induction program supports EUSD general education and special education teacher candidates who are on a path toward a clear credential.

NETs Induction Brochure (accessible PDF) | NETs Induction Grievance Process (accessible PDF) | NETs Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs (accessible PDF)

NETs Google Calendar (Subscribe by clicking on the + sign in the lower right hand corner)

How to Apply:

Upon hire, complete the NETs Induction application (FREVVO Form)

For additional information, contact:

Escondido Union School District

NETs Induction Program

2310 Aldergrove Avenue Escondido, CA 92029

760-432-2400 ~

NETs Verification Completion Letter Request (Google Form)

Heather Peterson 

Coordinator, NETs Induction  | 760-432-2137 ~

Dr. Laura Philyaw

Deputy Superintendent of Educational Services | 760-432-2112 ~

NETs Induction Mentors

Cristie Lake, Heidi Paxton, Tara Colville,

Tracy Gregor

Secretary, NETs Induction | 760-432-2137 ~