Share your thoughts! EUSD is working to develop a framework for the future of education. They are seeking your input on our district Local Control and Accountability Plan, known as the LCAP, which outlines services and programs we provide to our EUSD community. This framework, combined with your feedback, will inform decision-making and prioritization of services in our district, as well as assist us in plans to allocate resources from the MacKenzie Scott donation. You can participate via the interactive platform Thoughtexchange and follow the discussion focused on this guiding question: What are the most important skills, supports, and experiences EUSD students need to reach their unlimited potential? Thoughtexchange is an interactive platform that provides an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, and to view and comment on the thoughts of others. The Thoughtexchange will be available through January 31. EUSD encourages you to return to the Thoughtexchange frequently to rate new ideas. Your confidential contribution to the conversation will help EUSD improve programs and services for our students, families, and employees. EUSD looks forward to your thoughts!
Your Voice Matters!
January 20, 2023