Rincon Bulldogs

Sunday, December 1, 2024

     Hello Rincon families, this is Mr. White, Rincon Principal, with school announcements for the coming week.  I hope that all Rincon families enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday break, and we look forward to the return of all Rincon students tomorrow, December 2nd.  December will be a short month with only three weeks of school, and it will also be a busy month filled with several important events taking place.

     Upon students return, we will be engaging in the iReady Diagnostic #2 Assessment.  Students will complete their iReady Reading Assessment on Wednesday, December 4th through Friday, December 6th.  The following week, students will complete their iReady Math Assessment on Monday, December 9th and Tuesday, December 10th, with additional time as needed continuing on Thursday, December 12th.  Thank you in advance for speaking with your child about doing their very BEST on their iReady Assessments as the performance data collected assists Rincon staff in determining students’ current achievement levels in Reading and Math and to make instructional decisions for their learning.

    The EUSD School of Choice window for the 2025/2026 school year opens on Tuesday, December 3rd.  For any family desiring their student to attend another school within EUSD that is outside of your school attendance boundary, School of Choice is the process for applying for such a move.  Look for more information regarding School of Choice in communications from EUSD or go to the EUSD website for more details.

     Be sure to mark your calendars for two upcoming Rincon family events.  Our next Family Lunch will take place on Friday, December 6th.  Family members are invited to attend this special lunchtime gathering with their students on this day.  Another reminder will be sent later in the week.  Also make note of the annual Rincon PTSA “Holiday Lights” event which will take place on Thursday, December 19th, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.  This festive drive through event for families is sponsored by our PTSA and is certain to spread good cheer to all who attend in the lead up to the winter holiday break.  Additional details regarding this special event will be shared later in the month of December.