5th Grade Band Student Parents, Please pick up tickets in advance at the ticket box for 6:30pm Tuesday performance. Padres de Banda, Favor de recoger sus entradas en el "Ticket box" para tener asiento en el evento en el Centro de Artes mañana 6:30pm es cuando comienzan.
Or online/En Linea: https://artcenter.org/event/eusd-elementary-school-band-concert-2/
EUSD Hiring Event/EUSD esta contractando
Preschool applications: EUSD State Preschool is now accepting online applications Enrollment is open to children whose birthdate is between September 2, 2018, and July 31, 2020. Children whose birthdate is on or after August 1, 2020, may apply on or after their 3rd birthday. To learn more, visit the EUSD Preschool website or email preschoolenrollment@eusd.org or call 760-489-4131. Preschool classes are available at seven EUSD elementary schools: Central, Juniper, Glen View, Lincoln, Oak Hill, Pioneer, and Rose. EUSD Preschool is offered through the California State Preschool Program and licensed through the California Department of Social Services. Eligibility for the program is based on household income.
Rose Sale/Venta de Rosas
Open House Thursday May 11th 5:30-6:30pm Visiting your child's classroom and celebrating all the work and effort they have made this school year!
Casa Abierta jueves 11 de mayo de 5:30-6:30pm. Visita el salon de su hijo y celebra todo el trabajo y esfuerzo que han hecho este año escolar
May the Force be with you Schoo Spirit Day! Great work Pumas!
May the Force be with you Schoo Spirit Day! Great work Pumas!
Thank you Pioneer families for your donations to make our Staff Appreciation Day special for our staff.
Gracias familias Pioneer por sus donaciones para hacer nuestro "Staff Appreciation Day" especial para nuestros maestros.
May 8-12th Book Fair at Pioneer!
!Feria de libros en Pioneer!
After School Monart Art
Spirit Day/Día de Espiritu Escolar
YMCA after and before school interest form, this is not an application.
YMCA antes y despues de clases formulario de interes, no es aplicacion.
Pioneer Ballet Folklorico After School Group
Spring Festival Student Performances
Ballet Folklorico de Pioneer
Baires 1st grade
Around the World Student Performances. Bailes de los alumnos de Pioneer
Baires 1st grade
PTA Ice Cream for day of the Child/Dia del niño PTA nieves
Spring Festival Around the World 🌎
Thank you families for attending the event! Thank you PTA parent volunteers!
Gracias familias por asistir este evento. Gracias a los voluntarios de PTA.
Kona Ice this Thursday/Jueves
Our Pioneer Pumas are testing in iReady Reading and Math. Our 3rd-5th grade students are taking the California State Test in Reading and Math.
Nuestros Pumas están tomando sus exámenes de iReady/iStation en lectura y matemáticas. Los alumnos de 3er-5to están tomando sus exámenes estatales en lectura y matemáticas.
Spring Festival today 4:30-6:30pm Student performances and snacks. Cash only. Festival Primavera hoy 4:30-6:30pm con bailes y botanas. Dinero solamente efectivo.