Pencil Grams

Hello Owl Families,

Happy Sunday Owls!  

Please make sure to keep the office updated as to your contact information, address changes, or changes to your emergency contacts.  In the event of an emergency, we need to have the right information to contact you or a trusted family member or friend.  Thank you!

February brings a new attendance challenge.  For every class who has perfect attendance in the month of February one person from their class will get to throw a pie at Mrs. Pitard.  The entire class will get to watch!  Only classes with perfect attendance will get to watch if they come everyday they will throw a pie her way!

Tuesday is the 100th day of school!  Can you believe it?  This year will be over before you know it.

Pencil Grams go on sale tomorrow, Monday February 3, in honor of Valentine’s Day.  Pencils are just $0.50 and you can send one to a friend or favorite staff member.  More information will be coming home.

Friday is our weekly assembly…feel free to attend and be a part of the fun!

We want to thank everyone who supported our PTA on Wednesday at BRGR Shack!  We need to give a couple of shoutouts…first a wonderful family bought every student in their daughter’s classroom a burger combo including the teacher!  That is awesome!  And the owner of BRGR shack didn’t just give us money for those who said they were there supporting Orange Glen…he gave us 25% of all sales that day!  We made $400…way to go owls…I hope you enjoyed it and will continue to support our local family owned businesses.

Well, that is all for now.  We are here to support you and your family.  Call on us if you have any needs.