Family Day at Lunch for TK, Kinder, First and Second Grades

Hello Owl Families,

Happy Sunday!  Congratulations to all who participated in the iReady Winter Challenge.  Our winners have chosen their gift cards and will have them tomorrow.

This week Mrs. Pitard will speak to all students in their grade level about behavior expectations.  One of the subjects is bullying.  Being mean one time is not bullying but being mean repeatedly is.  Another topic is racial or sexual slurs.  We do not condone the use of any slur.  If your child uses that type of language please know that we do not tolerate it at school.  Thank you for your cooperation and help in enforcing positive behaviors.

Wednesday is Family Day at Lunch for TK, Kinder, First and Second Grades only.  Those lunches are at the following times:  TK/Kinder 12:20, First 11:40, and Second 11:00.  Please make sure you only bring food for your child and not for anyone else.  Thank you for your understanding.  The following week will be lunch for our third - fifth grade families.

Friday is our weekly assembly and you are welcome to attend.

And just a reminder that school will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.

Well, that is all for now.  Have a great week Owls!