Have a Great Week!

Hello Owl Families,

Happy Sunday!  Just one more week of school until Fall Break.  We have just five more days for our classes to achieve a 95% attendance rate.  If your child’s class does reach that goal then they can choose from a hot chocolate party, a private bug eating moment with Mrs. Pitard (she will eat bugs just for their class), or they can pick a spirit day.  Make Every Day Count by coming to school every day and on time!

We need just 29 more PTA memberships to reach our goal of 200!  If you haven’t joined please consider joining.  It is only $10 and you can join by stopping by the office.

Our lost and found is growing.  Did your child lose a sweater or jacket?  We might have it.  This is the last week to find your clothing.  Anything left behind will be donated to local shelters to help others stay warm.  You can come by anytime…we will gladly let you find those lost treasures.

And finally Friday is a minimum day for all students.  School is dismissed at 12:05 to allow our hard working staff time to prepare and plan lessons.  Make sure to make arrangements to pick up your child.

Well, that is all for now.  Have a great week!