School Site Council

North Broadway Elementary School

Meeting in person (Optionally via Google Meet) 

School Site Council meeting- Elections

Thursday, September 26 · 4:30 – 5:30 pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 929-266-2665‬ PIN: ‪897 625 573‬#


  1. Call to Order/Inicio de Sesión 

  1. Roll Call/Asistencia

  1. Approval of the Agenda//Aprobación de la Agenda {ACTION}

  1. Approval of Minutes from the April 18, 2024//Aprobación del Acta

NB SSC Minutes 041824

  1. Public and Oral Communication/Comunicación Pública y Oral

  1. Advisory Committee Reports/Reporte de Comites

    1. LCAP, DAC, DELAC, Title I, ELAC

  1. New Business Items/Asuntos Nuevos

    1. Informational Items/Artículos informativos

      1. ReviewSSC Training English, SSC Training Spanish

      2. Elections Results

      3. Digital Binder

      4. Review of iReady K - 5th results iReady Reading Diagnostic 1      iReady Math Diagnostic 1

    2. Action Item 

      1. Elections of Officers

  2. Old Business/Asuntos pasados

  1. Adjourn/Cerrar junta