Every Day Counts Poster Contest

Hello Broncos,

NB Ranch is calling all students to enter our first Districtwide Attendance Awareness Poster Contest. Students are invited to submit a poster that highlights why “Every Day Counts”. The winning poster will be made into a life size poster with the artist name and individualized sticker of the poster will be created. The top poster from all sites will be posted on the district attendance webpage and that student’s school site will win the Attendance Trophy for the month.

Poster Contest Guidelines: To enter the contest follow the steps below.

  1. Overall message that communicates the importance of school attendance .

  2. Poster size must be 8.5” x 11” or 11” x 17”.

  3. Must include the attendance theme “EVERY DAY COUNTS”.

  4. All artwork must be the students own work.

  5. Students full name, grade & school must be written on the back of the poster.

  6. Each school site selects one poster to submit to the district office.

  7. Submissions must be received at the NB Ranch office no later than September 27th, 2024.

  8. School winner will be announced October 4, 2024

  9. Districtwide winner to be announced October 11, 2024.

Eligibility & Criteria

All students in EUSD are eligible to participate. Posters will be judged on how well they address the theme, the quality of the design and student creativity. The design must an original student drawing.

If you have any questions please contact: Simone Haleftiras - shaleftiras@eusd.org or Susie Urrutia - surrutia@eusd.org