Mobile Dental Services at Lincoln Elementary by Neighborhood Healthcare

Students need regular dental care (2-4 times per year) to have and maintain a healthy mouth and teeth.  If your child already has a dentist, you can continue seeing your regular dentist. If your child does NOT have a dentist, or has not been to a dentist in over 6 months, then your child is eligible for this program.  If your child is currently enrolled in Medi-Cal, please provide your insurance information and we will bill Medi-Cal for the services rendered. If your child is uninsured, we will see them at no-cost to you.
What will my child receive through this program?


Your child will be seen by a Dentist or Registered Dental Hygienist on-site at your child’s school. The dental team may provide some of these services for your child:
Complete Dental Exam
Teeth Cleaning
Fluoride treatment
Pictures of his/her teeth

What should I do if I want my child to participate?


Complete digital form online or pick up printed forms in the Family Center. If you have any questions about the dental care program, contact Dacia Ruiz ( (442) 286-8353.

QR code link:
English form
Spanish form

Servicious Dentales Moviles flyer - Spanish