Student Acceptable Use Policy

Students will not log into personal accounts on district devices or from the district's EDU network, except by approval on designated devices.

I. Introduction

To support 21st-century learning, the Escondido Union School District provides students access to numerous electronic resources, including the district network, the internet, iPads, and computers. EUSD utilizes technology in nearly every aspect of instruction, and access to information technology is integral to our vision to actualize the unlimited potential of every learner. The following policy outlines the expectations for the appropriate uses of technology by students.

II. General Network and Technology Use

The network and technology in EUSD is provided for educational purposes, and is used to support the learning process. All students are provided an EUSD login ID and password. Students are expected to take individual responsibility for their appropriate use of the internet and electronic resources, and follow all district rules of technology use.

  • Personal devices should not be used in a classroom setting; the district is unable to filter content on personal devices because they connect to the Internet in a variety of ways. 

  • Students will not log into personal accounts on district devices or from the district's network, except by approval on designated devices.

III. Student Responsibilities and Privileges

EUSD students will use district-provided technology for educational purposes only, under the direction and / or supervision of teachers, administrators, or other designated instructors. 

“Educational purposes” include but are not limited to:

  • Accessing district networks and the Internet to access information and resources from internal and external sources.

  • Using computer and network storage for schoolwork files and teacher-approved downloads.

  • Facilitating learning and enhancing information exchange consistent with the educational mission of EUSD.

Expectations For Students: Appropriate Use Of Educational Technology Resources 

Expectations to Follow

Students: I Will 

Students: I Will Not

1. I will use technology at school for educational use only.

● Use academic programs to learn 

● Create projects to show what I have learned.

● Follow all teacher-directed technology activities to help me learn. 

● Stay within network filters and protection.

● View or download non-academic videos.

● Spread rumors using technology.

● Plagiarize – copy work that is not mine and claim it as my own. 

● Search for, create, print, or distribute inappropriate images or content. 

● Install unauthorized software. 

● Visit proxy sites. 

● Use my own device in the classroom or on the school network.

2. I will be responsible with technology equipment.

● Keep my hands clean when using technology. 

● Carry equipment with two hands or leave it on the desk. 

● Return equipment at the end of the day or period to my teacher, as instructed.

● Vandalize or damage school equipment. 

● Eat or drink around equipment. 

● Take home school technology equipment without staff permission.

3. I will keep my account and personal information private.

● Speak only with school staff about my school account information.

● Speak only with school staff about my personal information, including home address and phone number. 

● Notify school staff if another student is using my account information.

● Log out of any online sites or computers before shutting down.

● Maintain the privacy of passwords and personal information for all students and teachers.

● Share my password with other students.

● Share my lunch number with other students 

● Share my personal information online. 

● Log in to any account that has not been assigned to me. 

● Leave a computer or site logged on.

● Share or post the personal information or passwords of classmates and teachers.

4. I will use technology to communicate with others in a respectful way.

● Create posts and comments related only to schoolwork.

● Speak or write about others in a respectful way. 

● Notify an adult of any inappropriate behavior online, including bullying and harassment, or other misuse of technology.

● Keep any evidence of online bullying, harassment, or stalking.

● Use technology engage in inappropriate or disrespectful behavior, including bullying, stalking, harassing, name-calling, embarrassing, intimidating, frightening others; sending or receiving messages that indicate or suggest pornography; spreading rumors; sending or displaying offensive messages or images; using vulgarities; using suggestive, obscene, belligerent, racist, sexist, threatening, or otherwise offensive language.

IV. Damaged or Lost Materials 

EUSD recognizes the responsibility to ensure that books, materials, equipment, supplies, and other resources necessary for student participation in the district's educational program are made available to students at no cost. 

All students are provided an iPad that has an estimated value of $450. Qualifying students also are provided an internet hotspot with an estimated value of $80. Students are responsible for safeguarding and protecting technology equipment. Property must be returned in a timely manner, with no more than usual wear and tear. Parents or guardians are liable for the replacement cost or reimbursement for lost or willfully damaged district-issued books, supplies, and technology equipment, or for district property lended to a student that the student fails to return. Fees may be imposed for up to the full replacement value for textbooks and library materials. Fees also may be imposed for lost or willfully damaged technology equipment up to the amounts listed in the following fee schedule. Upon notification and due process, the district may withhold the student's grades, promotion certificates, or transcripts until all fees have been paid.

Fees for Lost or Willfully Damaged Technology Equipment

Damage / Loss

First Incident

Second Incident

Third Incident

iPad damage or replacement



Up to full replacement value

iPad charging brick or cable damage or replacement



Up to full replacement value 

iPad rugged case damage or replacement



Up to full replacement value 

Headset or earbud damage or replacement



Up to full replacement value 

Orbic hotspot damage or replacement



Up to full replacement value

Orbic hotspot wall charger



Up to full replacement value 

V. Google Apps for Education 

EUSD uses Google Apps for Education to support 21st-century learning. These free, web-based programs include document creation tools, shared calendars, and collaboration tools. This service is made available through an agreement between Google and the district’s Information Systems and Technology department. The education versions of Google applications do not collect data on users. Your child’s teachers will be using Google Apps for lessons, assignments, and communication. Students will not use the Google Chat, Google Voice, or G-mail features.

Google Apps Privacy and Safety

All expectations, responsibilities, and restrictions outlined above for student technology in Section III also apply to Google Apps for Education. In addition:

  • Digital environments sustained by Google Apps for Education are not public forums. They are extensions of classroom spaces, where student free speech rights may be limited.

  • School staff members and administrators have access to view student activity in Google Apps. 

  • Content created by students may be shared with their classmates, parents, or other family members outside of school for academic reasons. 

  • Public posting of student-created content on the internet has been disabled in the settings. 

Students may use Google Apps tools for personal projects, subject to district technology use policies and as well as the following prohibited uses:

  • Unlawful activities.

  • Commercial purposes or personal financial gain, such as running a business.

  • Inappropriate, threatening, sexual, or other offensive content 

  • Misrepresentation of California public schools, their staff members, or students.

Google Apps for Education are available at home, the library, or anywhere with internet access. Students are responsible for their own behavior at all times. 

The district maintains the right to immediately withdraw access to and use of Google Apps for Education when there is reason to believe that violations of law or district policies have occurred.The alleged violation will be referred to the principal for further investigation and account restoration, suspension, or termination.

VI. Internet and Electronic Resources

Access to the Internet and electronic resources enables students to use thousands of tools, libraries, and databases that help facilitate learning. Staff members will ensure that high-quality digital materials are available and encourage their use.

In our ongoing efforts to enhance teaching and learning experiences, the district may make use of third-party digital applications within our curriculum. These third-party applications play a vital role in supporting interactive and engaging educational experiences for our students. They allow us to explore diverse learning methods and provide access to resources that enrich their academic journey. It is important to note that while using these applications, some data may be collected for statistical analysis, performance optimization, and to ensure reliability. We understand the significance of safeguarding our students' online privacy, and we operate in accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). As part of this commitment, the district may seek additional consent or act as an agent to grant consent for your student to use third-party applications on your behalf. We take our responsibility seriously and have established processes to meticulously review the terms, conditions, and privacy policies of these third-party applications. This review ensures that they adhere to acceptable data protection and privacy standards, aligning with our commitment to maintaining a secure learning environment. You may contact the district and request a review of any application's privacy policy. 

EUSD, in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, employs a robust content-filtering system on all network-connected devices to restrict inappropriate use and access. No content-filtering system entirely eliminates the risk of inappropriate access and use.

EUSD students receive instruction on the appropriate use of electronic resources, including the internet and devices, and  will be made aware that the internet includes content that may be illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, potentially offensive, or inappropriate for children. Students are taught the importance of digital citizenship and the safeguarding and protection of instructional materials and technology equipment. Additional resources and information can be accessed on the EUSD website under Technology Resources

Ultimately, teachers, parents, and guardians are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources.

Students should have no expectation of privacy in their use of electronic resources provided by or accessed in the district. All data storage areas – such as workstations, external drives, network storage, Internet browsing history, and computer sessions – may be accessed and reviewed by network administrators and administration to maintain system integrity and ensure that the system is used responsibly.

Personal devices should not be used in a classroom setting; the district is unable to filter content on personal devices because they connect to the Internet in a variety of ways. 

Artificial Intelligence

The district may allow various platforms with integrated artificial intelligence that use language generation models to simulate conversational responses to questions posed by students. Students can explore various topics in depth by asking open-ended questions which provides an excellent tool for practicing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Within these platforms, students can learn how to ask the right questions, evaluate different sources of information, and analyze complex concepts. It is important to note that while artificial intelligence can assist students in generating written content, it should not be used as a replacement for original work. Students should only use generated responses as a starting point for research and further exploration and not as a tool for plagiarism.

VII. Consequences

Students’ use of technology provided by the district for instructional purposes is subject to the conditions outlined in applicable Board of Education policies and administrative regulations. Board Policy 6163.4 governs the use of technology. The district’s code of conduct, Board Policy 5131, details appropriate school behaviors and sets expectations for students, and applies to the use of electronic communication devices and internet activities. 

The district reserves the right to suspend access to electronic resources at any time, without notice, for any reason. The use of technology is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use may result in a loss of those privileges and disciplinary action.

Technology in EUSD is an integral part of learning, teaching, and assessment. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s use of educational technology, please contact your school’s principal.

VIII. Acknowledgements

Regulation 6163.4 outlines the Board Policy on Student Use Of Technology. The Board Policy can be reviewed online.

All parents or guardians, along with their student(s), must sign this acceptable use agreement during the student enrollment or registration process. Please direct questions or concerns about this policy or any aspect of electronic resources to your school’s principal.


The Escondido Union School District makes no warranties of any kind for the technology services provided. The user will be responsible for repair or replacement of equipment damaged by malicious or inappropriate use as defined by this policy. Protection of data is the responsibility of the user. The district will not be responsible for any loss in service or data. Use of all technology and networks is at one's own risk. The school system is not responsible for verifying accuracy of any information obtained through the technology or network.

The Escondido Union School District reserves the right to change this Acceptable Use Policy at any time.