Greetings Conway Families!
For our returning families, welcome back! For those who are new to our EPIC school, I can’t wait to meet you and your learner.
I hope you all had an EPIC summer with your family and are ready for an amazing return to school. Although it was short, the summer afforded time for me to reconnect with family, especially my three beautiful grandchildren, but I also took some time away to disconnect and recharge. I can definitely say that I am super charged and ready for this upcoming school year!
The last two years have certainly tested in ways we never thought were possible. More than ever, I am truly inspired by our incredible hard working, caring, and passionate folks that I am blessed to call our Conway Crew. There is not a single soul on campus that does not embody our motto: We are Crew, not passengers and ensures that our Crew spirit lives strong inside and outside classrooms.
While we were able to resume some sense of normalcy last year, we are eager for the return of many more events and activities this year. Our Thursday College and Crew Celebrations are back and we welcome parents every Thursday at 8:00 am on the blacktop. Back to School Night is in person and scheduled on Wednesday, August 31st at 5:00pm and 6:00 pm. PTA will also bring back many family events and we also expect to bring back our leadership Crews like Robotics, Dance, Video, Wee-bots and many more.
I am grateful for this opportunity to serve as your principal this year. As I begin my 7th year here, I am inspired by the remarkable transformation and growth our school has had even through a pandemic. A goal for this year is to deepen connections, grow our student’s sense of belonging, personalize instruction so every student feels learning is meaningful, and empower our learners to believe they can achieve more than they thought possible.
Our children are our greatest investment for a bright future and by working together, WE can provide the most positive and effective educational experience for our learners here at Conway. We are a Conway Crew!
We thank you for entrusting us with your and excited about the 2022-23 school year!
In Crew,
Tina Meglich
This Week’s
Stay Connected
Class lists: Class lists will be made available via Rooms, which is the classroom communication system accessed through the district’s new app. Download the free app for Android in Google Play or for iPhone in the Apple App Store. All families should have received an email with an invitation to join Rooms. Follow the steps in the invitation to create your account. Once you have set up your Rooms account through the invitation, you can log in to Rooms in the EUSD app on your mobile device or go to on a computer to log in. Lists will also be posted outside the front office on Monday, August 8th at 10:00 am.
School Hours, Lunch & Procedures
Safety is our top priority. Our school campus opens at 7:35 am. There is NO student supervision in the morning prior to 7:30am. Students arriving wait outside the front gate and form a line until the bell rings. NTS staff will monitor the front campus beginning at 7:30 am until the gate opens at 7:35 am for students to proceed to breakfast, the library, or the blue lunch tables only. Students arriving before 7:00 am are welcome to participate in ASES morning program available at no cost to our families beginning at 6:30am. Applications are available at the front office.
Parents are welcome on campus to escort their student to the breakfast line and bid them a farewell. The lunch tables are for students only. The 15 minute warning bell rings at 7:45 for students to walk to their classroom line on the blacktop. The playground will NOT be monitored or supervised in the morning so students are to stay on the blacktop only. The 5-minute warning bell rings at 7:55 am for teachers to pick up students at their lines.
Class lines are labeled by the classroom number. A map will be posted for parents and or students to locate their class line on the first day. The front gate closes promptly at 8:00 am signaled by our starting bell. This bell is also a signal for any parent still on campus to exit.
Student SAFETY is a top priority and we want to work together to create the safest environment. In the event that you need to enter the school premises for any reason during school hours, staff will request that you enter only through the main entrance, sign in, and obtain a visitor’s pass.
Lunch Schedule
This year we will be serving lunch to TK through 6th grade students. Our younger students will be supported by our teachers the first week and ongoing support will be provided by our para-eductors and noon supervisors. See the lunch schedule here, lunch 2002-23.
Conway Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Drivers must comply with designated school drop-off/pick-up and parking procedures.
Drop-Off Procedures
When dropping your student off via car, please pull your car up as far as possible at the front curb of the school.
Do not get out of your car while in this drop off line. Students should exit from the passenger side of the car ONLY. If you need to assist your child in leaving the car, please find a parking spot on the street, and assist your student by walking them up to the main entrance. If crossing the street, USE THE CROSSWALK!
Handicap parking is available in the south parking lot in the event that you need to enter the building for any reason. Students must be escorted at all times when walking through any parking lot.
There is NO student pick-up or drop-off allowed in any of our lots.
Arrival and dismissal safety is of utmost importance. Please review the map linked here and details about our 2020-23 procedures. Kindergarten and TK students must be picked up with identification at the playground and TK at the front gate.
TK/K Orientation 
Parents and students are invited to our TK/K Orientation on Monday, August 8th. There are 2 session times for you to choose: 5:00pm or 6:00pm. Please attend the time that works best for you.
This orientation will explain our TK and Kindergarten programs here at Conway School.
Topics discussed include: morning drop off procedures, breakfast, lunch and snack times, afternoon pick up procedure, an overview of our school year as well as meeting your child's teacher.
Teachers will meet families at the front of the school at 5:00 or 6:00pm. Please note that due to limited space in the classrooms, we ask that you only bring the TK or Kindergarten student, if possible.
The presentation will be in English. We encourage you to bring an interpreter to assist in translation, if needed. Our TK and K teams look forward to meeting you this Monday evening.
Looking Ahead
Here is a recap of this week and future events to mark your calendar. Stay tuned for specific details as events draw closer.
8/5 Class Lists available on-line in ROOMS
8/8 Class Lists posted at 10am front office
8/8 TK/K Orientation 5pm and 6pm
8/9 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Gates open at 7:35 am
8/11 Early release Thursday, dismissal 12:15 pm
8/12 Crew Spirit Day! Hat Day “Hat’s off to a New School Year”
8/15 Wear Conway blue for Crew Blue Mondays!
8/15 PE and explore rotations begin
8/31 Back to School Night 5 - 7pm
See all weekly family communication here.