A group of students and their teacher stand in front of a shop window, which they painted with fall decor.
A guide sits with several students studying plant life.
Un guía se sienta con varios estudiantes que estudian la vida vegetal.
Two students lie on the floor and work on a math game.
Dos estudiantes se tumban en el suelo y trabajan en un juego de matemáticas.
Escondido Union School District Every Day Counts
Escondido Union School District Every Day Counts.
A group of students learning about ambulatory care during their fieldwork.
Un grupo de estudiantes aprendiendo sobre atención ambulatoria durante su trabajo de campo.
Teacher leading students in dance moves.
Teacher leading students in dance moves.
Step Beyond dance students
students eating S'mores made with solar ovens
Students with school supplies
 La bandera estadounidense con un mensaje que dice "Feliz 4 de julio."
The American Flag and a message stating, "Happy 4th of July."
Noticias del Distrito Escolar Escondido Union Iniciar sesión Azul y Blanco.
Escondido Union School District News Log in Blue and White.