Parents and Families


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Nutrition Services

GATE: Gifted and Talented Education Program

Click here for information regarding the GATE program.

Report Bullying

Bullying happens when someone hurts another person on purpose. This can range from leaving someone out of a group, to pushing and punching others, to making others feel inferior, to forcing others to hand over their money or possessions. Nobody likes to be bullied and it will not be tolerated here at Conway.

Studies show that bullying starts in preschool, seems to peak during the middle school years, and declines during high school. Surveys have indicated that more than half of students are bullied at some point during their school years.

Sometimes kids don't seek help because they aren't sure that the actions are actually bullying. As parents and teachers of bullies, bystanders, and victims it is our job to help teach them new strategies and create a bully free environment. Please encourage your child to tell someone (noon supervisor, teacher, or principal) we need to know so we can help.

YMCA LEGENDS (ASES) Before & After School Program

What is LEGENDS? LEGENDS is a state-funded after-school program, known as Expanded Learning Programs (ELP), offered by the YMCA of San Diego County in partnership with the Escondido Union School District. These academic enrichment programs assist students with higher achievement in the school day and create a dynamic after-school environment that gives children the boost they need to succeed academically and socially.

For more information, check the YMCA Legends webpage.

EUSD Parents & Families Homepage