Bernardo Parent Teacher Association - PTA

Joining the Bernardo PTA is a great way to volunteer and help our students succeed. The Bernardo PTA works hard with our teachers to create a rich learning environment. There are many PTA events and opportunities during the school year in which your help will be greatly appreciated. You can contact our Bernardo PTA anytime at
Bernardo PTA Executive Board 2024/2025
Andrea Ingold -
Kim Price -
Kendall Jordan -
Karen Stephenson -
Kirsten LiVigni -
Bonnie Kaull -
Kristin Anderson -
Nicole Korb -
Brittney Granillo -
Jessica Tracy - Parliamentarian
Jody Coe - Book Fair Chair
Laurie Nack - Garden
Adriana Carpio - Family Liaison
Bernardo PTA Email:
Bernardo Spirit Store
Now that you are in the spirit, start off on the right foot & visit our Bernardo Spirit Store & shop online to get your Bernardo Spirit Wear. Support our kiddos by showing off your Mountaineer Spirit.

Here are fun and easy ways to support your PTA
And what's easier than to do it while you do your shopping?!

Download the Box Tops App, create your account, and choose Bernardo School. Then scan receipts and the PTA will earn for every Box Tops product you buy.
Birthday Marquee Signup Form
Don't forget to submit your request to show your child's birthday on the school's Marquee. You do not have to wait for their birthday month to come around, do it now before you forget!
PTA Parking Spot Winner for March:
Heather Imeson Family